Oh, oh, oh a big day for ARTLESS today. Our new website is an official member of the World Wide Web. Hopefully all Artlesser’s, Caver’s, Luwtelosser’ and friends will include www.artless-nl.com in their bookmarks and follow all the past and present activities of ARTLESS and our fanatic, talented students.
The new URL address is: www. artless-nl.com. The old website will disappear around April 18 so be sure to go to our new address. We’re still busy with trying to figure out how to assure that the new website appears on the search engine so for the time being remember to tick in the new address andnot goggle it, OK?
At the same time as many of you already know we have also a new email address: stichtingartless@gmail.com. It might be a good idea to send us an email from this address so we can include it in our new address boek.
As you will notice the new website has many pages, special features, and possibilities, many of which are still a mystery to us.
For now it would be great if everyone could send us any photos they might have from previous ARTLESS events. It’s amazing how bad we were in documenting all the ARTLESS happenings from the past years. So any photos would be a great help in filling in all the gaps in the ARTLESS ARCHIVES.
Everyone, present as well as past students, are also encouraged to send us photos of works they would like to post on the STUDENT page. Be sure to include titels and if relevant a short text about the works you send.
Besides photos we would of course love to hear what you think of the new site. Suggestions, tips, problems, criticism, reviews, questions, comments, WHATEVER….everyone’s reactions are important to make the new website an interesting, relevant, and informative addition to ARTLESS. START NOW !!!!!!
This Thursday April 13 (18:45) the CAVE we will be visiting the FOAM to take a look at the William Eggleston exhibition. Within the world of photography Eggleston is considered the KING OF COLOR. What a contrast with the last visit to the FOAM when we saw the Sugimoto exhibition. I guess it’s not only the contrast between what these 2 masters squeeze out of the photographic LIGHTSOURCE but also the contrast in the worlds that they travel through. Perhaps the difference between flying and walking, feeling and touching. More about all of this and much more on Thursday. Use the new email address to let us know if you plan on coming.
This was short (thank god) but important cave talk. From now on you can find all the new and old CAVE TALKS on the website. Keep in touch.